Yeshiva and Jewish Orphanage of Kharkov Ukraine [email protected]

Yeshiva Kharkov Ukraine Emergency Fund
We remain hopeful and positive that the current commotion in our country will end in a peaceful manner for all of the citizens of Ukraine.
Your generous contribution at this time enables us to keep our programs running, provide a secure environment for our students, and assist them with basic necessities and spiritual needs.
May this Mitzvah of yours bring about the ‘ultimate revolution’ – the coming of Moshiach Now!
With Much Gratitude,
Rabbi Levi Raices
Kharkov, Ukraine
Yes! I would like to be a partner with Yeshiva in Kharkov Ukraine.
For Zelle: [email protected]
Please direct my donation to help fund:
Yeshiva and Orphanage Jewish Kindergarten
Other please specify:
In Memory of
Make a donation in memory of a deceased family member or friend.

In Honor of
Make a donation in honor of someone or to celebrate a joyous occasion.