A Hebrew School that your child likes … Learning new facts about Judaism every time ... Games and crafts created specifically for the days lesson ... Where questions are encouraged and answered ... Warm and relaxed atmosphere ... Everyone on a first name basis ... Trips and special activities throughout the year ... A place where the post Bar/Bas Mitzvah student doesn’t want to leave


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Tucked away in the heart of S. Monica, there is a place where Judaism is alive and fun. Children literally run through the doors at “Chabad House” curious to find out what exciting activity their teacher has prepared for them .

Here at Chabad Hebrew School, Judaism isn’t just taught, it’s a living experience.

Whether it is making Challah for Shabbat, weaving Purim baskets, playing Torah Jeopardy or learning the Alef– Bet on computers, everything is taught in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. The short two hours each week is packed with loads of learning.

Our small class size ensures lots of individual attention and personalized curriculum to each student.

Vital Info
Chabad Hebrew School is located in Chabad House at 1428 17th Street in S. Monica. Classes meet every Sunday from 9:45 am to 12:15 pm. We accept children age five through 12. The cost is $60 a month. For families sending more than one child the cost is $50 per child a month. No one will be turned away for inability to pay.

Our curriculum includes, Hebrew reading and writing, Mitzvot, Jewish holiday history and customs, weekly Parsha, Jewish history and much more.

Special Services

The Rabbi’s Class


Bat Mitzvah Club
When our Bat Mitzvah club was introduced, we never dreamed of the great response we’d receive. The club meets once a month and is for girls ages 11 to 13. The club instills basic philosophies and concepts in Judaism, as well as encourage community involvement and service. For more information about the club, please call our office.

Specially geared for pre-teens and early teens, this class given by Rabbi Isaac Levitansky, is mind stimulating and invigorating. Questions are always welcome and explained in detail. The Rabbi teaches a lot of history and insight. His stories are adventurous and full of lessons. So, if you have a child this age don’t hesitate to sign him/her up today.

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