Holiday Programs
If you are interested in more information about any of the following programs please email us at [email protected]
Rosh Hashana
- Apple , honey, & honeycake handout
- Prayer services
- Holiday meal
- Shofar blowing
- Tashlich - Traditional service by a river, lake or any body of water
Yom Kippur
- Kapparot
- Pre-fast meal
- Prayer Services
- Break-fast meal
- Sukka on campus
- Holiday meals
- Daily blessing and shaking of the Lulav & Esrog
- Prayer services
- Sukka mobile
- Sukkos party on campus
- Sushi in the Sukkah
Simchas Torah
- All night long "Dancing with the Torah" party
- Holiday meals
- Prayer services
- Menorah handouts for students
- Daily Menorah lighting on campus
- Pre Chanukah party on campus
- Daily mini Chanukah party at lighting on campus
- Menorah Mobile
- Huge Purim party
- Shalach Manos handouts for students
- Meggilah reading on campus
- Traditional Purim feast
- Shmurah Matzah handouts for students
- Selling of the Chametz
- Free Seder both nights of Pesach
- Prayer services
- Holiday meals
- Traditional end of Pesach "Feast of Moshiach"
- First night "All night learning"
- Holiday meals
- Reading the Ten Commandments
- Ice cream party
- Prayer services