*All services are held at Chabad in S. Monica 1428 17th st. unless otherwise noted.

Daily Minyan

Chabad in S. Monica holds daily minyanim three times a day, for Shachris, Mincha and Maariv.

Below are the schedule of our services:

Morning Services - Shachris

Sunday and Some Legal Holidays*...........

8:30 am

Monday - Friday..................................

7:00 am


10:15 am

followed by Kiddush & Mincha

Afternoon & Evening Services - Mincha & Maariv

Sunday - Friday................................... at Sunset

Early afternoon Mincha at SMC on some school days.  Contact: Rabbi Eli levitansky
310-310-4217 [email protected]

Motzei Shabbos (Sat. Night - Maariv)....... Approximately 15 Minutes after Shabbos ends

*Call for details  -  (310) 453 3011